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Vision and Values

Our Vision is:

To provide an aspirational education which inspires all in our community so that they are happy, confident and equipped for life in all its fullness.

The Spires Federation is proud to be a family of friendly, caring schools where children feel valued and secure. Our enthusiastic and dedicated staff work in partnership with parents, governors and the community, to provide a well-planned and challenging education for all, helping each and every pupil achieve high standards. The children are at the centre of everything planned in our schools and we look to support their development socially, emotionally and morally as well as academically. We value parents as partners in the education process and there are many occasions when we welcome families into our schools to share our activities.



This is our motto. We believe passionately in helping each and every child become the very best that they can be – both academically and morally. We want to help guide them to become responsible, caring citizens of the future, and so we teach Values alongside the academic curriculum so that every one of our pupils has the opportunity to Shine.

We want every child to be excited about coming to school each day and to leave having enjoyed their learning, and having been challenged to acquire new skills.

Our vision and values are central to all that we do. They underpin teaching and learning, decision-making and provide a reflective environment which prepares our pupils as successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

The Spires Federation Values:

Where every member of the Spires community is given the opportunity to SHINE 




Success All members of the Spires Federation aspire to success - for each other and for themselves. We value individuality and respect equality and diversity.  


Philippians 4:13 - ‘I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.’  


Happiness - At the Spires Federation, we believe that children learn best when they are happy and secure. Staff teach best when they are happy and fulfilled in their work. As well as trusting God, we have to create a culture where our schools are happy and harmonious for all.  


The psalmist says: ‘You make known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence.(Psalm 16 v 11)  


Inspire - We want to provide everyone with the opportunity of exploring the world through our broad and balanced curriculum and to raise the aspirations of both pupils and staff.  


Proverbs 18:15 – ‘Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.’ 


Nurture The culture of the Spires Federation is that of a supportive, protective family that has high aspirations for all of its members. 


Proverbs 22:6 – ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. 


EverybodyThe Bible describes how Christians come together as a family. The members of our school family – pupils, parents, staff and Governors are interdependent: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. We are working together to ensure all feel included, valued and bring benefit to the wider communities that we serve. 


Corinthians 12:24-26 - But God has combined the members of the body….so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it

The curriculum is planned with a strong emphasis on creativity. Important reading, writing and mathematical skills are developed through a cross-curricular approach enabling the children to apply what they have learnt in other subjects.

We believe that all children deserve to be given a high level of individual and small group support in order to achieve their potential. The children’s progress is monitored closely and all receive precise, targeted support throughout the year.

To give a flavour of what children can expect of the values and experiences across the Spires Federation schools please explore our website further.  You can also visit our Facebook and Instagram feeds to get a glimpse of what school is like on a daily basis.


I hope that you feel the Vision and Values of the Spires Federation resonates with you and that you would like your child to be educated at one of our schools.

If you would like to look around one of our schools or if you require any further information do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email or just pop into school. We’d love to hear from you.

Executive Head teacher