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Spirituality in Collective Worship

Collective Worship is the heartbeat of the school. It provides the opportunity for our school community to share experiences, ideas and understanding. It is the context in which the language of spirituality, which we use as a school, is regularly shared.

Collective Worship provides the opportunity for pupils to become aware of the importance of reflection and how our positive and negative experiences can be formative. It also provides a real sense of being present (now moments), which are often linked to invitations to pray.

Opportunities to reflect on the wows of life such as the beauty and joy of the world are given, as well as time to reflect and empathise with the ow moments of disappointment or pain. Pupils are given time to consider their responsibilities to others and to grow in love and service. Time is given for celebration, both for the accomplishments of school members and to mark seasonal Christian festivals and celebrations in the calendars of other faiths. In this way, pupils are offered time to be able to contemplate and develop spiritually.

In Collective Worship we use 'Windows, Mirrors, Doors and Candles' to help support the spiritual development of the school community.

In Collective Worship we use 'Windows, Mirrors, Doors and Candles' to help support the spiritual development of the school community.

WINDOWS: giving children opportunities to learn when new possibilities or different perspectives are 'opened up' through the use of drama, visual images, poetry, video clips based on Bible stories or other texts. In this children are learning about life in all its fullness.

MIRRORS: giving children opportunities to reflect on how the Bible story or stimulus has resonated with, or challenged them; 'searching questions' or a guided mediatation as a focus for reflection. In this they are learning from life by exploring their own insights and perspectives and those of others.

DOORS: giving children opportunities to respond to all of this; to do something creative as a means of expressing, applying and further developing their thoughts and convictions. In this they are learning to live by putting into action what they are coming to believe and value.

CANDLES: giving children time to reflect.  Allowing the children to have time to connect with God or even to have time to try and make sense of the world through discussion and sharing thoughts with others.