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The adults who work in our class are:

Mr Hodgson, Mrs Evans, Mrs Whotton and Miss Dearden

Welcome to Pixies!



Key information

Our PE day(s) are on Monday and Wednesday 


Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned on the following Thursday by 4pm.

Where possible, homework should be uploaded to Microsoft Teams each week to enable teachers to see the work that has been completed at home. If your child completes any creative homework in addition to what they have been sent or if you have anything you wish to share, this can be shared using Microsoft Teams.  Spellings are sent out weekly in the spelling books and can be practised in there each week ready to be tested on a Friday morning.


Reading books are changed on any day as long as an adult from our class is informed by the children putting their books in the baskets on their tables. Reading records are checked regularly by staff.  We expect a minimum of three reads per week at home.  Daily reading with your children supports their ability to learn to read and write and children who read regularly progress much more quickly.


Children in Reception and Year 1 will come home with Phonic flashcards and homework sheets which covers what they have been learning that week in their lessons.