Shop for School Uniform
School Uniform List
There is an expectation that pupils wear school uniform.
Dunston |
Digby |
Nocton |
Quick Links to our uniform provider:
Uniform Direct ® - Dunston St Peters C of E Primary School Uniform (
Uniform Direct ® - Digby Church of England Primary School Uniform (
Uniform Direct ® - Nocton Community Primary School Uniform (
Unbranded uniform can also be bought from other providers, such as supermarkets.
We have some pieces of unwanted uniform that can be given to help with costs.
All Schools
Grey/black/trousers/shorts/skirt all schools
Grey or black socks (girls may wear white socks during the summer with dresses/skirts and grey, navy or black non patterned tights in winter)
Black school shoes – not trainer style shoes. (During the winter months boots may be worn to and from school and at playtimes, but must be changed into school shoes whilst in school). No sandals allowed.
PE Kit
This can be worn to school on P.E days. Children may also come dressed in P.E kit on days they are attending a club.
As with the items of main uniform, there is no expectation that items are branded - similar unbranded items can be purchased from local providers, such as supermarkets.
Dunston |
Digby |
Nocton |
Shin pads and football boots must be worn by those children participating in football club and matches.
During the colder months a black/Navy track suit may be worn when taking PE outside. This can be purchased from any provider - such as supermarkets.
We would encourage children to bring a spare pair of socks to school in the winter.
Our uniform providers also sell school embroidered reversible jackets and PE bags.
* These may be with the school logo, provided by one of our suppliers, or plain.
Swimming Kit
Black/navy full swimming costume/trunks (no bikinis/ tankinis/ baggy shorts). Towel, swimming cap and comb.
Jewellery, Makeup and Hair
The only items that are considered appropriate are watches or studs worn in pierced ears. The school does not allow the wearing of other jewellery or cosmetics unless for cultural reasons, and then only if approved by the Headteacher.
Please ensure that nail varnish, make up and temporary tattoos are removed prior to your child attending school. Please note that staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children.
As a school we recommend that you have your child’s ears pierced as close to the summer holidays as possible so that they have the 6 week period to keep them in. If your child’s earrings cannot be removed, your child will not be able to participate in gymnastics and swimming.
However for all other PE activities your child can cover their earrings with plasters/microporous tape if unable to be removed. This must be provided by the parent.
It is recommended that hair is tied back on a daily basis to reduce the spread of headlice, and this is compulsory whilst doing PE. Headbands are to match the uniform. Unnatural hair colours are not permitted.